Sunday, June 15, 2014

Things To Act, and Things To Be Acted Upon

If you have no vision, you are blind.

Duh. In other words, you will not be able to see your path. Ultimately you will by necessity be led by someone with vision, or stumble around in the apparent darkness. Hopefully, you will stumble upon someone with a great vision and hitch your cart to their horse, otherwise the future is bleak indeed.

In nearly every philosophy or self improvement method or book I've read, there are a few concepts that crop up repeatedly. This one is usually near the beginning, because without it, you won't get far. The Bible says it this way, "Where there is no vision, the people perish" (Proverbs 29:18). If you don't know what you are about, how can you be about it? If you are not a thing to act, you are a thing to be acted upon by an actor. 

At work one day this week I was doing a 30 minute treatment on a wound on a bed bound elderly gentleman's bottom. He developed this wound because he is unable to reposition himself effectively enough to allow adequate blood flow to the skin tissues. Essentially his tissues are starved for blood and break down because he is unable to make large enough or frequent enough fidgets to allow blood flow to his buttocks and his caregivers did not adjust his position effectively enough. (I get called in when a wound such as this is has not been healing for over 30 days.) Non-healthcare professionals may assume that this is an unusual problem. They would be incorrect with this assumption. Millions of people nationwide, for one reason or another, are literally sitting themselves to death. This man, unfortunately, has become a person to be acted upon.

While performing this 30 minute treatment (while waiting for the machine to do it's thing) I documented his progress (after several treatments he is now healing) and completed some other notes, while listening to the afternoon news on his television. I was pleasantly surprised to hear that former President George H. W. Bush had gone sky diving to celebrate his 90th birthday. Despite his Parkinsonian symptoms, he is still acting on things and directing his life. 

Yes, former President Bush is now mostly chair bound (his jump was a tandem jump with a helper). Yes, he has more mental faculties and financial opportunities than my patient. Yes, he has more social support than my patient. But these are things he gained based on choices he made in his life. Now looking forward from my vantage point in my 30's, it is clear that my actions today will lead to my circumstances in my 60's, 70's, 80's, and hopefully 90's and beyond. Why not seize the day and choose to act. 

Of note, Mr. Bush also took a dive on his 75th, 80th and 85th birthdays. I'll be watching to see if he makes 95. But whether he does or does not, maybe I will...

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